Three episodes into “Secret Invasion,” I have to admit I’m prett underwhelmed. By all rights, this series should feel like a spiritual successor to The Winter Soldier, but it’s falling flat for me on nearly every level.

The cast is doing a great job, Ben Mendelsohn in particular, but they’re being let down by the material.

Also, the die-hard “Agents of SHIELD” fan in me is just waiting for Director Mackenzie to show up and save the day.

    • Value SubtractedOPMA
      1 year ago

      I do appreciate the reveal about fury’s competency though.

      If you’re referring to the way Fury was able to rise through the ranks at SHIELD (and forgive me if you aren’t), I have mixed feelings about that one. The way Talos presented it made it sound like Fury was somehow unworthy, or that he hadn’t really earned it, which is not an interpretation I can really get behind. However, the same scenario could be spun to highlight Fury’s guile and ability to use the resources available to him, so I guess it’s in the eye of the beholder.

      I’m also left trying to ignore the question of how an army of Skrulls failed to detect several decades’ worth of Hydra double agents…