Three episodes into “Secret Invasion,” I have to admit I’m prett underwhelmed. By all rights, this series should feel like a spiritual successor to The Winter Soldier, but it’s falling flat for me on nearly every level.

The cast is doing a great job, Ben Mendelsohn in particular, but they’re being let down by the material.

Also, the die-hard “Agents of SHIELD” fan in me is just waiting for Director Mackenzie to show up and save the day.

  • Value SubtractedOPMA
    1 year ago
    Having now seen episode 4...

    It was nice to get some action again - I know it’s unrealistic to have a big setpiece like this every week, but it was sorely needed.

    The “Rhodey is a Skrull” reveal was pretty unsurprising, and they probably could have ripped that Band-Aid off last week.

    The (apparent) death of Talos seemed somewhat inevitable, and was well-executed, but if he is in fact gone, I’m not sure it’s worth losing Mendelsohn.

    I found the episode pretty enjoyable, but still don’t feel like the series has much momentum - it’s strange.