Three episodes into “Secret Invasion,” I have to admit I’m prett underwhelmed. By all rights, this series should feel like a spiritual successor to The Winter Soldier, but it’s falling flat for me on nearly every level.

The cast is doing a great job, Ben Mendelsohn in particular, but they’re being let down by the material.

Also, the die-hard “Agents of SHIELD” fan in me is just waiting for Director Mackenzie to show up and save the day.

  • Acid
    1 year ago

    Yeah Captain Marvel as a film just felt so flat.

    All the nostalgia beats didn’t stick and Brie Larson while probably a very good actor just felt like her humour didn’t land because the way they wrote the character doesn’t seem to fit with her as a person or the way she portrayed the character.

    I don’t think it was just a better director needed I feel like Brie was miscast in the role at least if they wanted to write her in the way they did but that’s my opinion on it.