In 2020, the online news organization The Intercept revealed that HRW’s then-Executive Director, Ken Roth, accepted a $470,000 donation from a Saudi billionaire based on the condition that HRW would not use the money to protect the rights of the persecuted LGBTQ-plus community in the Middle East. 

Roth was compelled to return the donation after The Intercept report.

  • Flying
    10 months ago

    Definitely check out Taskmaster. It’s become one of my favorite shows. A group of comedians are given very silly tasks to complete- for example, getting three yoga balls up a steep hill or making a meal where all the ingredients start with the same letter. The comedians on the show have all been top level talent from around the world. The nonbinary comedian was Canadian, so you might have heard of them- Mae Martin. Their deadpan delivery cracked me up.