• @ItsComplicated@sh.itjust.works
    327 months ago

    I just wanted to add how I enjoy this community and all the witty banter. Thanks for boldly going where no meme or gif has gone before.

  • Queen HawlSera
    317 months ago

    You know I hate to keep saying this bit it’s absolutely true, I would rather trust the ferrangi than American capitalists.

    The ferrangi have a book of rules detailing the ways that they are allowed to rip you off, you can be well-versed in them and by doing so actually get a good deal from a ferangi.

    A human capitalist is just going to take their ball and go home with the slightest push, and help yourself to whatever they can take from you, ethics be damned.

    • AwkwardLookMonkeyPuppet
      17 months ago

      Capitalists have a book they use too, and like the Ferengi, it has nothing to do with ethics. Unfortunately it has a lot more rules than the Ferengi book.

  • @bionicjoey@lemmy.ca
    287 months ago

    One of my favourite lines in all of DS9 is when Rom and Quark are arguing about where they’ve crash landed.

    Quark says something like, “maybe we’ve died and gone to [ferengi heaven]”.

    Rom then says “or maybe we’ve gone to [Ferengi Hell]?”

    Quark responds (and Armin absolutely crushed this line IMO): “The bar was turning a profit!”

    • @marcos@lemmy.world
      227 months ago

      Well, they have world peace, and don’t practice things like genocide or threats of mutual assured destruction.

      • Queen HawlSera
        167 months ago

        One of my favorite moments in Deep Space Nine is when quark and Sisko are on a camping trip, and Sisko goes on the usual spiel about how greedy ferrangi are…

        And Quark fires back by pointing out that his people have never had war, genocide, or slavery, and Sisko’s got nothing because he knows humans can’t say the same

        • @Jaccident@lemm.ee
          47 months ago

          I feel the scene is deeper than that. Quark isn’t just dunking Sisko, he’s shining a light on the fact that Sisko doesn’t see the Ferengi as they are, rather he uses the surface level similarities of capitalism to apply his human anxiety about pre-post-scarcity to them instead.

        • @Zink@programming.dev
          37 months ago

          There’s also the episode where the three Ferengi go back in time to (I think) the Roswell incident in mid 20th century USA.

          Quark is repeatedly appalled at the stuff the hu-mons are doing to hurt themselves and destroy the planet. Smoking and testing nuclear fission bombs come to mind.

  • Deadend [he/him]
    157 months ago

    Hyper capitalist, hyper misogyny, monopolies of business are legal, but unionizing is illegal.

    He only wants the space-living because he’s a nerd and wants to create a 0th world, which is to the 1st world is to the 3rd world.

  • Blackout
    57 months ago

    Don’t you sully the Ferengi name like that. They do a valuable service to the federation. Where else are you going to buy self sealing stem bolts on the edge of federation space?

  • tygerprints
    -107 months ago

    Greed is one the most powerful of all human emotions. There’s nothing wrong with being greedy, what’s wrong is trying to pretend you’re not. We all are. Every human wants truckloads of cash and endless amounts of power. It’s no good pretending you are “above that.” If you’re human, that’s really what you ARE all about. I say we give everyone a gun and let the one who kills the most people have all the wealth. At least that would be an honest human accomplishment with no hypocrisy.

    • @SpookyUnderwear@eviltoast.org
      67 months ago

      I couldn’t give a wet fart about power. It comes with too much attention and responsibility. I’ll take that truck load of cash though please and thank you.

      37 months ago

      Anyone who actually wants power should not be trusted, with it, or in general

          7 months ago

          Do you believe that humans intrinsically lust for power as an essentialist point?

          EDIT: for a dropped ‘m’

          • tygerprints
            07 months ago

            I think all humans lust for power over others, to make them believe as they do, or worship as they do or some other way conform to their own way of behaving and thinking. Maybe it’s a tribal thing, left over from when we were on the Savannah in “cave man” days, and needed to feel in control of our group (or something). I do believe some desire for power is an intrinsic part of human existence.

            • SUPAVILLAIN
              27 months ago

              See, I think that’s where we disagree-- because I don’t see it as an intrinsic codified that far back. If anything, I think that’s just part and parcel of being socialized under the dictatorship of capital; where we’re literally raised to prioritize competition against our peers, and more importantly, winning that competition. I only see ‘power’ as the means to the end of accomplishing the objectives we were socialized to chase from birth.

              tl;dr change the society, change the socialization, eradicate the common, but not all-encompassing desire for power over another.

              • tygerprints
                07 months ago

                You have a more practical and perhaps more economic based view of the situation, which I don’t disagree with at all. It’s just that I’m a much more nihilistic person in my beliefs, I personally (and this is ONLY an opinion) believe that all humans are intrinsically horrible and evil to the core. I’ve never seen any iota of goodness in anyone. So I cannot simply see it as a matter of how we’re nurtured by our society but as a fundamental part of the disease of human psychosis.

          • tygerprints
            -17 months ago

            I live in a world of utmost happiness, the likes of which you people cannot even imagine. I simply see the truth for what it is. Feel sorry all you want, but use that energy to improve your own circumstances. Mine are as perfect as could ever be possible.

            • @WarmSoda@lemm.ee
              17 months ago

              Actually you’re just a filthy degenerate father fucking piece of sick filth.

              Yeah such a world of utmost happiness and truth. Only people in a perfect world say things like that.

              • @USSBurritoTruckM
                17 months ago

                Did you go browsing through someone’s post history elsewhere on Lemmy to try and dunk, then report them when they argued with you? Absolutely pathetic. Have threes days off to touch grass.

              • tygerprints
                7 months ago

                I love that I make you mad and get under your skin, it keeps my practice sharp and my needles at the ready. You are easily manipulated.

                • @USSBurritoTruck
                  17 months ago

                  Clown behaviour. Have a week off, champ.

  • verity_kindle
    -287 months ago

    As long as we become space faring super survivors, I’m fine with that. Good intentions don’t make rocket fuel for the vroom vroom. We need to vroom some explorers to other places, just in case.

    • @Stamets
      5 months ago

      deleted by creator

      • IninewCrow
        77 months ago

        Beautifully said and wraps up everything I love about Trek culture.

      • @FriendOfElphaba@sh.itjust.works
        27 months ago

        I saw James Cromwell, the actor who portrayed Zefram Cochrane, on a flight into Albuquerque about a decade or so ago. He was wearing a colorful kufi hat, and he’s so god damned tall I could easily see him from like three rows back. I was 99% sure it was him, and when I saw him again picking up his luggage I became 100% sure. He’s a freaking giant.

        I have a very strong introvert aspect to myself. I very badly wanted to tell him how much his portrayal of Cochrane influenced my life and my career, but I chickened out. For the record, I am a research scientist who now works in big tech.

        I think what I loved about him was his flaws. I especially loved how his self-awareness of the chasm between the person he saw himself to be and the legend that grew around him caused him to freak out and panic. I also really understood his whole self-destructive and self-sabotaging stage. And despite all of that, he won through, and Starfleet was the end product.

        I love what you’ve written and I think it speaks to the ethos Roddenberry built into his universe to show us what is possible, but I really loved the idea that it grew from this flawed human before it blossomed.

        That’s not to say the vroom vroom person was correct. Quite the opposite. A mirror universe Cochrane reimagined as Elon Musk would have lead to… probably the mirror universe but worse. It was more about the struggle possibly being worth it, despite how you feel about yourself and even if the end is something you can’t even imagine.

    • IninewCrow
      197 months ago

      I always love that logic … our planet is too dangerous and dying, so we have to leave to make sure we survive

      At this point in our evolution … we would ensure our long term survival in our galaxy if we stayed put and maintained our current environment. It’s the only liveable atmosphere, environment and planet that we know of that we can live on and have access to.

      How are we going to restart life on Mars where there is no atmosphere or resources when we’re doing such a terrible job maintaining the existing atmosphere and environment we were born into?

      I always like burning house metaphors … space exploration to save our species at this point in time is like burning your house down, telling everyone you can’t live there any more and saying that you’re leaving to go live somewhere else where you can decorate a better bedroom. Except your burning house is located in an isolated desert with no shelter for hundreds of miles around.

      97 months ago

      How bout we stay where the fuck we’re at, fix the planet we fucked up, and stop colonizing new places?

      • chaogomu
        07 months ago

        The main problem with colonizing places is the displacement of the people already living there. You’ll notice that space is notorious for not having people. It’s one of the defining traits of space, really.

        As to staying where we are, well. That comes with all sorts of issues. The first of which are big rocks. Then there’s gamma ray bursts, and coronal mass ejections, and a host of other potentially life ending things that could hit our planet at any time.

        We have all of our eggs in one basket. This is the height of stupidity when we could do something about it.

        As to fixing our own planet? Why the fuck do you think we can’t also work on that? There are billions of humans, we can surely multitask. Especially since actually living on the moon or Mars or whatnot will be a monumentally hard task in and of itself.

        The first moon base will need to be 100% science to figure out some pretty important biology, like is it even possible to maintain a population at 1/6 Earth gravity.

        That’s a huge question that we don’t actually have an answer for.

          7 months ago

          As to fixing our own planet? Why the fuck do you think we can’t also work on that? There are billions of humans, we can surely multitask. Especially since actually living on the moon or Mars or whatnot will be a monumentally hard task in and of itself.

          Then where are those efforts? When will the fossil fuel companies be shuttered, and their CEOs executed for crimes against nature and humanity? When can we trust the leaders of the most powerful nations on Earth to actually start trying to restrain the runaway global temperature increases? We just sailed straight past 2C globally; a full 25 years ahead of schedule.

          If we can multitask, I’m sure as fuckin shit not seeing it; and it’s either naiveté you’re speaking from, or downright IFLS-type, bazinga-flavored malice. I don’t care about questions we haven’t asked about space yet.

          I care about "how are we going to not fucking die here for the profit of some gaggle of fossil-sucking sociopaths".

    • Bipta
      37 months ago

      Why survive if we’re going to be so wretched? How do people value life itself above the quality of that life?