• @Darkassassin07@lemmy.ca
    6 months ago

    Unfortunately that makes her an outlaw in Texas doesn’t it?

    (not familiar with the details, but I thought I’d read they’ll prosecute out-of-state procedures as well. Same with travelers passing through Texas to receive an abortion elsewhere)

    • 52fighters
      236 months ago

      There would be no penalty in this case. The law prohibits enforcement against the mother and activities that take place outside of the state are also not enforceable by Texas. The exception is if someone drives her to the state line for the purpose of obtaining an abortion or gives her money while both are situated in the State of Texas, although interesting would be a case where one is in Texas and the other isn’t, bringing up the interstate commerce clause.

      Texas allows medical exceptions. I have not yet read why this case did not qualify for the exception. Presumably because the court did not agree the mother’s life was at serious risk? Has anyone a good read of the court’s ruling?

      • @TransplantedSconie@lemm.ee
        586 months ago

        Because Ken Paxton is a piece of shit. The judge heard the testimony from doctors and decided it should go ahead. Ol’ Ken pushed it to the TSC because he knew they would sit on the case until she had the stillborn birth.

        Republicans want to punish women simply because.

          • Because it fulfills their goal of revenge against women for rejecting them, having rights, etc.

            And that fulfills the goal of pleasing their bible-thumper and alt-right base, who seek vengeance against women for those and a myriad of other reasons.

              • Why am I supposed to care about your half-wit opinion about my reply? Address the substance of discussion. Don’t waste my time with your ham-fisted attempt to put me down thinking it will get you anywhere.

                This assclown’s mOrAL cOdE is hating on women, to start.

                Now try addressing that, and only that, and leave me out of it if you are capable of that. I know it’s asking a lot

          • @WraithGear@lemmy.world
            36 months ago

            The only people who consider this a lose lose would not vote for him either way. But it galvanizes his base. Especially when you consider certain people would rather blame the mother. How they justify this blame is the only creativity i have seen from such people.

          • bedrooms
            26 months ago

            He’s an extremist. If he’s not extreme enough, someone more extreme will replace him.

    • @TallonMetroid@lemmy.world
      86 months ago

      That can be fought without the looming deadline of a pregnancy coming to term. Dunno if she’s willing to go through with that, or if she’s just not planning to ever return to Texas (it’s not like, Cali, say, would ever extradite, and Texas sending troopers across state lines to bring her back is some Fugitive Slave Act 2: Electric Boogaloo shit that would absolutely not fly).