Or the fediverse in general.

I wanted to ask everyone their personal least favorite communities on reddit.

Whic subreddits do you absolutely not (personally of course) want to see recreated as magazines here on kbin, or as fediverse communities in general?

My pet peeve is CMV. I always felt while the idea seemed doable on the surface, the implementation within that particular subreddit with the delta system, the requirement for the top level comments to oppose the OP even if the “view” is an established expert consensus on something like climate change made it impossible to have meaningful conversations.

I haven’t checked if we have a CMV magazine here, but as soon as I see one, I know I’m blocking it.

What is your “instant block” community?

  • Polarsailor@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    American politics seeping into every damn thing. And to top it off, with a clear bias in one direction. I resent having the feeling like there’s an astro-turfing effort going on, even when I agree with whatever stance is being pushed. Reddit is really tainted with that sort of thing.

    Hopefully it doesn’t take hold here, or at least stays contained so I can decline subbing to magazines that would pertain. I’d rather not have to swim in the “political party A is evil and political party B is angelic” muck in unrelated magazines.

    • Dick Justice@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      That’s hard to avoid on such a huge site where something like 50ish percent of the userbase is American. I totally agree with you though - it’s super irratating to be on a sub, talking about friggin Spider-man’s webfluid or something, and some dumbass in the comments has to relate the debate back to some American Republican talking points or something.

      • QuestioningEspecialy@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        it’s super irratating to be on a sub, talking about friggin Spiderman’s webfluid or something

        Having recently watched the latest Spiderman movie, wut?

        • Dick Justice@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          I’m just making up a throwaway example. Once upon a time there was a debate about whether Spidey’s webfluid should be organic or if he should have webshooters. I’m personally in the webshooter camp - it’s one of the great examples we get of Peter being a genius who was so smart he could invent something so spectacular at such a young age with limited resources and no help. I really hated the organic idea. I thought it dumbed Pete down and was contradictory to the established character. And, I’m just saying, those kinds of discussions are the worst place to run into some idiot that can’t help but interject their personal politics, or mention their favorite candidates/pols for no reason. I always thought it must be just exhausting to be so totally consumed with poitics that you have to try to bring it up in every conversation, no matter how much of a non sequitur it ends up being.

    • Jojo-Mcfrost572@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I said this the other day. Post on Reddit about English something. First comments were about american culture. Had to scroll until I found opinions from the UK.

      Everything becomes murica. It’s infuriating. I get reddit is basically America and it’s a large population but so is India or China or Africa. Doesn’t just need to be America all the time.

  • ScrumblesPAbernathy@readit.buzz
    1 year ago

    I wasn’t ever a fan of UnpopularOpinions. It seemed like a license to say horrible shit and then feel good about the upvotes but people just upvoted because the opinion was awful.

    • soratoyuki@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Agreed but for the opposite reason lol. Whenever I see UnpopularOpinions on All it’s always very popular opinions being upvoted.

  • BasicWhiteGirl@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Not to sound like a prude, but porn.

    There’s no shortage of it and most places have it in some way.

    It’d be awesome to be a classier/more serious version of Reddit.

    • IncognitoErgoSum@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      This sounds like something the fediverse should be able to solve easily. For people who don’t want to be anywhere near porn, you can start a fediverse site and just not aggregate porn, and then like-minded people can go there, and nobody has to be cut off from everybody else just because of differences of opinion about porn.

  • polaroid@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Chuds. I know they’re inevitable on any platform but my goodness we could do without their vile hatred. Any of the incel subs must stay gone. Also, cryptocurrency.

      • sincle354@beehaw.org
        1 year ago

        FTX and Binance are just about the farthest away from decentralized. It’s in the hands of big money now.

          • sincle354@beehaw.org
            1 year ago

            It’s a sad fact that they hold like 60% of all capital in the space. The hiccups of big tokens like Bitcoin and Ethereum add such a high overhead cost to transactions. The average user (and their dollars) must enter through these platforms or else get fleeced by the infinite scams out there.

    • Balssh@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      This shall ameliorate once people start tagging NSFW properly and once people are banned for not respecting it I thing.

    • iByteABit@sh.itjust.works
      1 year ago

      This, so much. I don’t mind porn but I do mind it popping up unexpectedly while browsing all instances in public. There’s so much of it relative to other content that it feels like Lemmy is just used as a porn repository at the moment, I need to find more magazines to sub to

  • lifeishard@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Sinophobia and racism against Chinese people. Yeah I know sinophobia means exactly that, but I wanted to mention it again because I feel like it.

    Every single thread about China(non-political) turns into “China bad” and it’s so freaking annoying to see.

        • sincle354@beehaw.org
          1 year ago

          It’s hard for an outsider to separate Chinese people from the Chinese government. I got to see both in my third world country. The people who immigrated were mostly just hard working and didn’t deserve whatever racism was being thrown about. But knowing that your country is almost selling out to the CCP is infuriating. Knowing that your country is nothing more than a political pawn in the Belt and Road initiative is infuriating. But the people? They do nothing wrong.

          • lifeishard@kbin.social
            1 year ago


            Oh, absolutely! I’m from an authoritarian third-world country and have personally experienced racism. I am well aware of the actions and ongoing activities of the CCP. I’m perfectly fine with people roasting the CCP or discussing China’s politics in relevant threads. However, racism is where I take issue.

            On Reddit, every thread about the things happening in China (or outside of China but related to Chinese people) turns into Sinophobia. Even a thread about floating road over water turns into sinophobia(I’m not sure if I’m using the word correctly lol). Ridiculous don’t you think?

            So, I’m just saying that it would be nice if we don’t have that here but that’s highly unlikely since the whole world is against China and Russia right now. And like you said, an average person is pretty racist and cannot separate between CCP and the Chinese people (even the ones who are born outside of China).

            I just want to see to see less racism in the world.

            Sorry if my thoughts are all over. I find it challenging to express myself clearly, and it’s not something I’m accustomed to. English being my second language doesn’t help.

  • soratoyuki@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Pretty much all of the ironic “oh we’re just pretending to be bad people lololol” ironic circlejerk subreddits. Best case scenario, they eventually attract people that don’t recognize it’s ironic, worst case the mask just falls off. PCM is probably the worst of the bunch. Writing fake tweets to mischaracterize political opinions you don’t like is just such a bizarre hobby.

        • RyanHakurei@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          Political Compass Memes and he’s bsing lol. Ironic people bash the hardest on one of the few non-toxic subs where you could at least have a little fun.

          • blubberman@kbin.social
            1 year ago

            Yep have to agree PCM can be pretty funny and most of the people there understand that many of the worst takes and straw mans are jokes

        • 00@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          No worries! It stands for PoliticalCompassMemes. The political compass is a simple (but wrong, if we deep dive into it) model of representing political positions in the current political sphere in mostly US/western politics. People started a meme subreddit about it and it quickly turned rather right wing with memes that devolved to “Ugly woman is left-wing and bad, Chad man is right-wing and good” lol

    • meldroc@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      Also, “ironic” use of fascist and Nazi tropes, like naming a subreddit “r/pcmasterrace”. Yeeeeaaaaah, no.

  • Eigengrau@kbin.social
    1 year ago
    • TwoXChromosomes : Just TERF subreddit by name alone
    • (Kotaku|Tumblr)InAction : I hate Kotaku but not for same reason peops in those subreddits hate them
    • Not so much confined to specific subreddits , but whol “(CHINA|RUSSIA) BAD” mindset : You don’t have to believe everything they do’s good , but can’t trust peops to not be (sino|russio)phobic about it
    • 00@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      TwoXChromosomes : Just TERF subreddit by name alone

      I only lurked on the sub, but while the name was obviously bad, i remember it being very positive towards transwomen? Are there TERFs once you engage in the discussion or were there some big incidents that were transphobic?

      • Eigengrau@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I don’t go on there bcus, again, name makes me think TERF subreddit . A name like TwoXChromosomes doesn’t sound like it’d be welcoming for trans women.

        Also is always possible they’re just more crypto about their TERFyness

        • pory@lemmy.world
          1 year ago

          TwoXChromosomes was kind of a victim of the fact that it was never in the history of Reddit made possible to change a subreddit’s name without just starting over and losing all of the history (incl. top/all time sorting). When the subreddit was designed as a space for women and girls on Reddit thirteen years ago, they picked the name because of 2010 Reddit’s very “science rules!” culture and wanted to evoke not just “women and girls” but “geeky women and girls that use the geek site for nerds, Reddit”. They were trans-inclusionary over a decade ago, despite the name. Their current pinned post says specifically “Trans women are women. TERFs can fuck right off” in giant bold text.

          I get being made uncomfortable by the name, but 2XC was trans-friendly before a lot of other more mainstream feminist spaces were.

  • HighJudge@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    Politics… Any politics. I like news to be informed. But those subreddits became echo chambers and spewed hate one direction or another.

    • holo_nexus@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      There was a definite change in the way discourse was had in r/politics, r/news, among others over the years. But I would say that’s just a societal thing as of late.

      Unfortunately, I do believe it’ll happen here eventually.

      • RyanHakurei@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        There was a definite change in the way discourse was had in r/politics, r/news

        There was a huge astroturfing campaign carried out by CTR/ShareBlue during the 2016 US election cycle. Someone even exposed this and was permabanned like 2 days later.

    • ShadowRunner@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I understand what you’re saying. However, echo chambers aside, I found reddit very useful for political discourse. Even for subjects that had a hive mind response, there were often a few comments that presented the other side in a very well thought out way, with details and citations which would give some folks a reason to rethink their knee-jerk response.

      In addition, one of the biggest problems in the US is that lack of political engagement by younger folks. So having those news articles and discussions on a popular forum gives them that visibility into the world of governance and allows them to both develop a desire to vote for change as well as having better knowledge of the issues and how different political figures have acted and what they really stand for.

      So I welcome that discourse and having political subs.

      • HighJudge@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        This is a great point and a great thought. Having political discourses is important and accepting opinions from all angles without getting agitated.

        What I saw in the all of the political subreddits were largely conformation to one side of an argument or another without real exchange, and if there ever was a contrary opinion, most of which were hateful themselves, and if they weren’t, they were downvoted or banned.

        Tin foil hat on for a second, I think this is due to how society is, as was mentioned above, and I think it’s also somewhat led by various political groups to get to a hateful conclusion to galvanize supporters on such a big platform.

        Politics in general has devolved into one-dimensional hate-slinging and I guess, I miss when Reddit was first starting out and there were more of those conversations, without the anger behind them. If we can’t have civil discourse in our communities, and opinions are only presented as wholly-good or wholly evil, is there benefit to having those conversations?

        These are tough questions. Like I said, you make excellent points, and maybe the answer isn’t cut it all off. But I can’t think of a way to foster the type of community you describe in our society without heavy moderation against anger and hate.

        • ShadowRunner@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          You’re absolutely right that a good politics sub (I don’t think I’ll ever get used to the term “magazine”, but “sub” is nicely generic) requires good moderation.

          But if kbin largely consists of reddit’s most active users and moderators - the ones who care about the community as well as principles and values, then I think we have an excellent start.

    • MeowKittyWow@kbin.social
      1 year ago

      I hear you, but politics are literally unavoidable. Also, for some of us, especially members of minority groups conservatives have it out for right now, literally just existing openly in a space will sometimes have folks crying politics.

      • HighJudge@kbin.social
        1 year ago

        I understand the freedom and acceptance that you’re wanting. And I think having those communities to help causes are important. So like was mentioned above, maybe the answer is not cutting it off, but fostering civil discourse to keep the hatred out for one side or another?

        I guess the root of the problem is demonizing. For instance, I would caution against what you consider “conservative” and who is really coming after your rights. That mentality again, is supporting the belief that each side is morally monochromatic. If you want to substitute that with the Republican Party, I dont think that’s inaccurate. But there are many who hold “conservative” views fiscally or in other areas that have no issue with supporting minority rights and actively champion those causes.

        In my opinion, the greatest lie that the powers-that-be have performed this century, is that one side has all the right answers and you have to be on one side of the fence or the other. I dont think either political party are working for the benefit of their constituents and I think we as a people need to come together to find real solutions, instead of being fed our opinions by those political machines and blindly joining their ranks. There aren’t 2 sides to any issue, nor are there only 2 options for solutions. There are always more to be considered.

        • MeowKittyWow@kbin.social
          1 year ago

          I think replying to every single point you made would be way off topic, so I’m not going to.

          What I will respond to is your very first comment. The far right, worldwide (not just republicans) is practically frothing at the mouth about trans people lately. Their rhetoric is borderline genocidal, with open calls to “exterminate transgenderism”. No civil discussion can be had when one of the sides is literally out for blood.

          There are many issues that you can take many perfectly reasonable differing opinions on, and have a civil discussion over, but this isn’t one of them.

  • Ni@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    I think in many ways the repetition of posts and worse replies. I know there was a bit of a hive mind going on, and in some ways it could be funny and a force for good, but I’m enjoying not reading the same set top comments to things!

  • niktemadur@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    A constant stream of memes romanticizing and/or normalizing depression, alienation, hopelessness, or any other of those dark states of mind. Often after switching from Home to All, I’d scroll and just keep bumping into these damned things.

    It’s the volume that I find corrosive and even suspicious, to the point that sometimes I’ve suspected that the prevalence of these memes may be a deliberate, artificially inflated thing, just one more bot tool in the box for bad-faith actors to nudge as many people as possible to a passive, apathetic, unengaged state of mind.

    • Phoeniqz@lemmy.dbzer0.com
      1 year ago

      Also I think that many creators of those memes didn’t/don’t understand correctly what depression even means in comparison to sadness.

    • UsernameLost@lemmy.ml
      1 year ago

      That is the best way I’ve seen this written and mirrors how I’ve felt about Reddit for a while now. Everyone is terminally despondent, and the sheer volume of posts like that seem either intentional or like people are trying to fit in by being as depressed or more so than everyone else.

  • QuestioningEspecialy@kbin.social
    1 year ago

    r/PublicFreakout’s constant unrestrained 'isms, especially towards trans, women, and African descended. I only was subbed for the occassional interesting post and to call out the bs for those who couldn’t see it.

    r/JustUnsubbed’s (iirc) noticeable political shift towards (i’mma say it; cover your eyes, children!) the Right after the recent situation with the game that shall not be named and she who shall not be named. Also, see above.

    People shitting on and lying about subs specifically made for marginalized groups. e.g.: When r/BlackPeopleTwitter was blessed by Black Jesus with his “Country Club Thread” flair, people elsewhere started calling them racist and supported their claims by over exaggerating the filtration system as “only Blacks allowed” when there was a whole-ass stickied post explaining that people just needed to claim to be Black, BIPOC, or an Ally and prove it by whatever means the mods dictated. My Afro-ass asked if I could just get the Ally userflair and was told (privately and kindly) that, and I’m going off memory here, “Just like we don’t allow Blackface we don’t allow Whiteface.” 🤷🏿‍♂️

    Could probably go on, but I’m busy. ✌🏿

    • spirals@lemmy.world
      1 year ago

      I didn’t like the filter. I shouldn’t have to submit a photo of my arm to “prove” I am mixed with black, my skin tone also isn’t dark so I might as well be lying. I never participated because of the filter, it brings up painful memories surrounding my heritage and skin tone and childhood. I think it’s an odd choice to prevent most of reddit from commenting and preserve a safe place. I get that it cut down on racists, still don’t feel comfortable about it. I don’t know what other tests they put people through, the photo test was the one talked about a lot.

      There is an ally flair I remember seeing but I don’t want it. I don’t want a label because if I say I’m mostly Latino, I’ve had people tell me that makes me white and not a POC and will never know what racism is and I get basically shut out. But also I’ve had people, even family members, be racist to me about being mixed with black. I guess I don’t belong in the conversation.

      I’ve also had run ins with some of the black power mods, yellow rose, and she expressed not wanting me to participate at all because I believe while white people can’t be systematically oppressed the same way in America, you can still be racist to them. She runs the main sub about racism on reddit, they only talk about white supremacy because that’s the only type of racism in their minds. It makes me just not want to talk about my experiences because they aren’t valid. I will never be black enough or white enough or Latino enough.