Car Talk with Martok. Catching up in syndication and then new episodes every thursday!

Season 1 / Episode 2

Looking for a list of other episodes? Check out this megathread!

Original Source: DominionMediaTV

    • StametsOPM
      26 months ago

      Absolutely, and welcome! Wish I could take credit for the name, but it sort of chose itself.

    • StametsOPM
      6 months ago

      Yeah, Klingons canonically have two penises. Earlier shows made it canon that Klingon physiology comes with redundant organs due to all the fighting but Discovery solidified that the reproductive organ also had a redundancy. One character is repeatedly sexually assaulted by a Klingon woman and another character comments on how he doesn’t even have the right number of appendages to properly satisfy her. Later in the same season you see a Klingon pissing against a wall. There are two distinct streams, stacked vertically above the other.