People don’t stop being trans because you disagree with them politically. I despise Jenner and other high profile trans grifters but I’m not shitty enough to deny their identities.

Do better. As a user of both sites this shit is genuinely upsetting. Despite how you may feel about hexbear, how can you claim that they bait people into revealing their internalized transphobia and then turn around and make shitty claims like this? I don’t give a shit if you call me a tankie or red fash or whatever, but I’m trans whether you like me or not.

  • Diva (she/her)
    9 months ago

    They’re allowed to be assholes, I can be a raging removed when I need to. I sincerely doubt the goal of anyone there is ‘convincing them to hate the trans identity’ and if a person they interact with is at the point of hating all trans people because someone was rude to them online that sounds like they already did, and were looking for an excuse.

    I just highlighted it because if someone’s going to say bigoted things because they got ‘baited’, that reflects poorly on them, and them alone. If they are incapable of taking criticism from minorities they interact with, that’s a fault on their part, not the minorities for not being ‘nice’ enough.

      • Diva (she/her)
        9 months ago

        You’re speculating that because minorities are being annoying about standing up for their humanity that they must not actually be interested in their rights at all… because in the process it might turn off people who get offended by rude behavior. For a lot of trans people the rude behavior is the lesser offense.

        If that’s the case, then Hexbear, you guys can go fuck yourselves. I saw what you said about me.

        I’m not going to mince words because I just posted about the issue with tone policing minorities raising issues. If you want to look sincere in the context of all these other interactions I would suggest trying to steer away from gendered language to refer to a whole group of people which we just established includes a significant potion of non-cis people.

          • good_girl@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
            9 months ago

            the incident that made this occur was them going out of their way to be offended at being misgendered as “them”, as if they had the upper moral hand to get angry at force of habit.

            That’s not what happened. The admin did it once by accident yes, but after being corrected, he doubled down and blamed the user for being offended in the first place… which you’re now repeating.

            I said good on you for owning up to your bad take, but I’m starting to think you’re not really sorry about saying what you did, you’re just sorry someone shined a light on your behavior.

              • good_girl@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
                9 months ago

                You’re so confused you’ve combined the original snowe comments with the comments in the screenshot for this post.

                Go be a debate pervert somewhere else.

                  9 months ago

                  What? The thing you quoted was about the snowe incident

                  the incident that made this occur was them going out of their way to be offended at being misgendered as “them”, as if they had the upper moral hand to get angry at force of habit.

                  That’s talking about the original snowe incident. Am I not allowed to have an opinion and respond to things you post? Are you confused what thread this is?

                  • good_girl@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
                    9 months ago

                    It’s not “shining a light on behavior”, and there’s nothing to “double down” about. If you accuse someone of transphobia because you’re offended at something totally unreasonable, it’s not that person’s responsibility to apologize or do anything

                    ‘Shining a light on behavior’ was referring to the poster I was replying to.

                    ‘doubling down’ was referring to the original snowe incident.

                    Am I not allowed to have an opinion and respond to things you post?

                    When you come in doing the exact thing that snowe originally did to kick this shitfest off, your opinion means jack shit.

                    Are you confused what thread this is?

                    fuck off lmao

              • good_girl@lemmy.blahaj.zoneOP
                9 months ago

                Yeah I’m not exactly sure what happened. I was having (what i thought was) an amicable back and forth with them in DMs and then they sent a single self-destructive message saying they were just going to delete their account.

                  9 months ago

                  It sure did look like they were just digging a deeper and deeper hole in the convo I saw.

                  Edit: turns out eternity is just really bad at displaying comments if it goes over the thread limit.