Asking as I see more and more people talking about mental health issues, and curious to see if people could share their experiences.

  • Dharma Curious
    7 months ago

    I’ve had a few therapists, but in the last few years I’ve kept up with it. It has been tremendously helpful. My biggest advice is that it’s okay to change shrinks if it isn’t a good fit. My last therapist turned out to be an amazing doctor, but she just wasn’t a good fit as my doctor. We got along too well, we’d end up on tangents and talking like friends. It was a very awkward conversation, but I moved to a different doctor, and I’m much better off. Me and the last doctor are now actually just straight up friends.

    Be honest about your needs, with the doctor, and with yourself. If you don’t know why you’re going or what it is you need, that’s a good starting point for your conversation. Like most things, you get out what you put in. If you’re not honest, you won’t get honest help.

    8 months ago

    I have seen I think 5 different therapists. There were times I thought it might be helping a little, but I actually ended up feeling more often like the therapist didn’t listen very well and I would often eventually conclude that they simply didn’t care.

    One of the therapists reacted terribly when I told them I had to stop seeing them due to financial concerns. He actually suggested I take out a loan, get a credit card, or ask my parents for money. I made it clear how important staying out of debt was to me but he persisted with those ideas. At that point I felt like a walking paycheck…

    The other part I found difficult with a lot of the therapists is that they tended to ask boring questions and give very generic advice. I don’t know what I expected exactly, but it felt less than what a professional should provide. I know the right therapist can be amazing but it’s expensive so I keep saying I may try again but it’s honestly a daunting task trying to find one who is worth the time and money.

    8 months ago

    You really have to get lucky with your therapist, many of them are worthless.

    Personally, it didnt help me much. It was nice to just vent, but I can do that without paying some guy.