Inspired by another thread I saw recently. For this thread, I have two parts to this. What are you grateful for:

  • on Beehaw? - Anything you like about this community, an interaction you appreciated, something that brightened your day, an aspect of site culture that appeals to you, etc.

  • offline/in real life? - Just more generally, what are you thankful for? Anything that’s happened in your life recently that has turned out to be good, people making a positive difference in your life, etc.

    1 year ago

    For beehaw, I’m grateful that I haven’t had to take a single moderation action yet! I’ve been keeping an eye out just in case on c/science, but even when there’s been some disagreement about how to, eg, interpret a study people have been engaged in constructive discussion. I think that’s really indicative of the quality of the community we’ve got going here! Love y’all ♥

    In real life I’m grateful to the folks at my local grocery store. My wallet was stolen over the weekend and though my bank gave me a digital card while I wait for a new one to show up in the mail, it hasn’t been working. The folks at the grocery store were super accommodating with it and happily held on to my groceries for me while I hurried home to get a check (it’s been forever since I’ve needed to use a check!) to pay for them. They even put my frozen stuff in the walk-in in the back so it wouldn’t melt before I returned. I guess some might say “They’re just doing their job,” but for me it really made a difference on an otherwise stressful day.

    1 year ago

    I don’t really have anything to add about Beehaw that hasn’t already been said numerous times. I’m very new, but it seems like a friendly place.

    IRL, I’m happy that my 7 week baby slept 6 hours two nights ago! She usually maxes out around 4 of sleeping, with occasional nights where she’s hungry every other hour, so the occasional long sleep stretches are amazing. I’m hoping for more sleep to come.

      1 year ago

      Record your baby’s cry! It seems weird, I know, but they lose that newborn cry so quickly.

      In general, though, remember to take pictures of the (literally) shitty moments, too. Kids love to hear stories about themselves as a baby and you’re so sleep deprived right now that your memory isn’t firing on all cylinders.

      Records will help you remember so you can tell your kids the story of the time they shit an over the wall explosively. They’ll love it.

      And I know it seems like that should be something really memorable as a parent, but you’ll be cleaning up so many bodily fluids it isn’t really noteworthy after a while. And did I mention the sleep deprivation affecting memory? I don’t remember.

    1 year ago

    I am thankful for my kids. I have four who are all intelligent and amazing individuals. I need to tell them how much I appreciate them more.

    1 year ago


    This thread gaining traction and thoughtful responses is indicative. I’m grateful for the positive community here!

    In life:

    I’m very grateful for my kiddos who make me laugh and fill my bucket every day, a meaningful job I enjoy, a supportive partner, living in one of the best places in the world (imho), and having effectively unlimited great books to read.

    I’m living the dream!

  • marin♡
    1 year ago

    On BeeHaw: I’m grateful for the amazing community and the wholesome interactions I’ve had so far. Everyone seems to be very chill and hopefully not too demanding of the mods. I appreciate all the effort the mods and devs are putting in to keep the community running. Also, the no downvote system is working out really great!

    IRL: I’m finally allowed to worked legally so my husband helped me make my resume last night and even put me through a mock interview. This is my first time formally applying for a job and I hope the job hunt won’t wear me out. advise is welcome btw

      1 year ago

      Best of luck with the job hunt!

      I recommend looking up the STAR method for answering competency based questions (eg tell us about a time you worked with a difficult customer). The best thing is the stories don’t even have to be true! As long as they sort of match up with your experience and follow the STAR method you’ll go far.

      Also applying to jobs these days is a really long slog. Remember to take frequent breaks! And do not take any rejection personally. Easier said than done I know! Try to think of it as a numbers game. Your goal is to throw as many resumes as possible out into the ether. One of them is bound to boomerang back with a job offer.

      You’ll do great!

          1 year ago

          To add to not taking rejections personally:

          In most cases, for skilled work, most jobs that are posted will be filled by someone they already know, if indirectly, through their network of contacts. They often only interview people who come recommended to them, so it means absolutely nothing about you or your skills if you aren’t interviewed.

          On the flip side, networking is incredibly powerful. Meet & impress people. Put yourself out there.

          I’ve bootstrapped a network from effectively nothing in four different cities/towns, now. I started by just showing up in person to introduce myself and tell them about my skills and that I’m looking for work. Then, once you have your foot in the door, make sure you’re staying visible and contributing so people remember you when you apply for new jobs/promotions. Networking has landed me literally every single job I’ve ever had. (Well, not counting my school’s co-op program.)