Inspired by another thread I saw recently. For this thread, I have two parts to this. What are you grateful for:

  • on Beehaw? - Anything you like about this community, an interaction you appreciated, something that brightened your day, an aspect of site culture that appeals to you, etc.

  • offline/in real life? - Just more generally, what are you thankful for? Anything that’s happened in your life recently that has turned out to be good, people making a positive difference in your life, etc.

    1 year ago

    To add to not taking rejections personally:

    In most cases, for skilled work, most jobs that are posted will be filled by someone they already know, if indirectly, through their network of contacts. They often only interview people who come recommended to them, so it means absolutely nothing about you or your skills if you aren’t interviewed.

    On the flip side, networking is incredibly powerful. Meet & impress people. Put yourself out there.

    I’ve bootstrapped a network from effectively nothing in four different cities/towns, now. I started by just showing up in person to introduce myself and tell them about my skills and that I’m looking for work. Then, once you have your foot in the door, make sure you’re staying visible and contributing so people remember you when you apply for new jobs/promotions. Networking has landed me literally every single job I’ve ever had. (Well, not counting my school’s co-op program.)