• Betch@lemmy.world
    6 months ago

    Space timey wimy goodness It is indeed difficult to grasp hahah! I don’t think I’m able to see the exact picture you’ve written down. Kinda difficult with these things because they are so open to interperetation. The way I’m interpreting it right now is like whatever restrictions we feel we’re surrounded by simply act kind of like horse blinders? There are so many possibilities when we know nothing!

    but is there any doubt that we are all “connected” nonetheless? Well, not in my mind. We can’t really do anything without affecting the rest of the world. Everything we do has an impact, no matter how insignificant it may seem, even something as trivial as a fart. The energy, the words, actions and possibly even thoughts that we put out in the world, none of it is lost. I feel like that is a power that most of us ignore these days. We are to focused on the “now” and the things we can physically see and touch.

    Speaking of, I had already forgotten that beautiful perspective that you had shared with me about nations changing. Stuff at my job, weird weather, for a few days my exercise schedule has been interrupted and I am just “off”, and just like that it had already slipped through my fingers, again.

    That is so relatable hahah. I think it’s normal and that we all have those moments but I also do not know what normal is. I think that’s where meditation and mindfulness can be really helpful. You sometimes must make a conscious effort to remind yourself of these things because the world we’ve built is just so overwhelming at times, it’s easy to get caught up in it and forget. It’s kind of like weightlifting for the mind/soul hahah. If you stop training you’re gonna lose all them gainz!

    I guess I too am one of those who says one thing yet does the polar opposite, an “idiot” even. I like to think that these “idiots” don’t ever have these thoughts but what do I know, I may very well be an idiot myself. We probably all desire to know the truth but none of us seem to see the same thing, life is different for everyone. We are not given the same knowledge, everybody has a different piece of the truth (or truth™) that they build around.

    So I am grateful that I care, and therefore… almost grateful for the pain that I lived through that made me care.

    Well of course. You are the sum of your experiences and if you are at a point where you are happy with who you are, then you must appreciate the pain you’ve had to endure to get there.

    I hope these thoughts are at least halfway entertaining:-D.

    Absolutely! They have managed to take up an hour of what seemed to be the start of a pretty boring day.

    • OpenStars
      6 months ago

      Hehe, isn’t it fun that we know nothing? Well, whether it is or not, that’s just the way it is, so we adapt - it’s what we are good at, and all that could ever possibly be done regardless:-P.

      People that think (& act) as if their actions do not affect others do so as a result of that CHOICE to act exactly that way - just as those of us who do the opposite do as well. Facts may have little to nothing to do with that choice, except for some very few of us.

      As you said also about the choice to be mindful - which is a separate aspect of the choice but that too is also a (meta-?) choice! I feel like I know, somewhat, how to excercise, but I really have no clue how people maintain their mental health. All the more so when it goes beyond “maintenance mode” into actively trying to heal from past wounds. Nor would I trust any resource that said that it knew, unfortunately. e.g., churches say that they know… and who knows, maybe they do? Like people, it would vary according to the individual one.

      I do not know if I would say that I am “happy” with myself, but on the other hand I look at others who experience their own pains that are caused from the fruits of their own labors and… yeah, I see that. I often do not want to see that, but I do. I definitely see too much, yet also too little at the same time? As do we all.

      Well, I am glad that my problems are amusing to you then - sheesh! (/s, I know you know but to be abundantly clear!:-P)