Three episodes into “Secret Invasion,” I have to admit I’m prett underwhelmed. By all rights, this series should feel like a spiritual successor to The Winter Soldier, but it’s falling flat for me on nearly every level.

The cast is doing a great job, Ben Mendelsohn in particular, but they’re being let down by the material.

Also, the die-hard “Agents of SHIELD” fan in me is just waiting for Director Mackenzie to show up and save the day.

  • Value SubtractedOPMA
    1 year ago

    I think the explanation of “we couldn’t find anyone who would accept us” that they tossed off works well enough on its own…it just raises the question of what the heck Carol thinks of all this, since she was pretty invested in the endeavour.

    “Captain Marvel” as a film is a weird one. To me, it has all the components of an entertaining film, but manages to be kind of dull an uninspiring. I feel like the exact same script and actors in the hands of a different director could have been pretty good, if not great. The sequel already looks far more charming.

    • Acid
      1 year ago

      Yeah Captain Marvel as a film just felt so flat.

      All the nostalgia beats didn’t stick and Brie Larson while probably a very good actor just felt like her humour didn’t land because the way they wrote the character doesn’t seem to fit with her as a person or the way she portrayed the character.

      I don’t think it was just a better director needed I feel like Brie was miscast in the role at least if they wanted to write her in the way they did but that’s my opinion on it.