I bet the T.O.G somehow managed to transport over to the Kelvin universe and grab that “single person intergalactic handheld transporter and some other bullshit that lets a person transport to Kronos from Earth with no ship because j.j. Abrams dont give no shits about star trek” device.
Once you have access to that tech, you can use it to tag anyone anywhere and toss them into the nearest star with nary a word.
I bet the T.O.G somehow managed to transport over to the Kelvin universe and grab that “single person intergalactic handheld transporter and some other bullshit that lets a person transport to Kronos from Earth with no ship because j.j. Abrams dont give no shits about star trek” device.
Once you have access to that tech, you can use it to tag anyone anywhere and toss them into the nearest star with nary a word.
No shit no one fucks with the T.O.G.