They will pay. It’s written in prophecies. How can any people who had terrible horrors done to them, do the same and worse to their neighbors? They are hypocrites. To think I cried and was depressed when I visited the Holocaust museum. I’m ashamed I felt that way now, and have no sympathy when they cry about what happened to them, because they are today’s Hitler. They are today’s murderous Nazis.
They will pay. It’s written in prophecies. How can any people who had terrible horrors done to them, do the same and worse to their neighbors? They are hypocrites. To think I cried and was depressed when I visited the Holocaust museum. I’m ashamed I felt that way now, and have no sympathy when they cry about what happened to them, because they are today’s Hitler. They are today’s murderous Nazis.
Being ashamed of righteous empathy is part of the problem. Be better than those that commit evil.
“Why do the Israelis say anyone that criticizes them is an anti-semite?”
It’s because people like you give them the excuse.