President Joe Biden had conspiracy theorists in a tizzy after posting what appeared to be his reaction to the Kansas City Chiefs Super Bowl win on Sunday night.

“Just like we drew it up,” Biden posted on X alongside a photo of “Dark Brandon,” the meme created by hardcore—and very online—supporters of Donald Trump that Biden and his team loved so much they adopted it as their own.

The post was apparently referencing far-right conspiracy theories which posit the NFL and high-level government operatives conspired to rig the Super Bowl in Kansas City’s favor to give maximum exposure to a yet-to-be-announced endorsement from Chiefs star Travis Kelce and his girlfriend Taylor Swift.

        2924 months ago

        It’s fucking hilarious! This is exactly how you respond to something so utterly ridiculous.

        • GladiusB
          1064 months ago

          Troll the trollers. I’m here for it! I want my president to be smarter than the dumb conspiracies I’m being forced fed by the morons!

            -214 months ago

            I want my president to be smarter than the dumb conspiracies

            Zero chance any of this was Biden’s idea LOL

            -344 months ago

            I’d be surprised if he could properly post a tweet. I wonder if his pr team even bothered with running it by him. I think the post is hilarious, but I know it wasn’t Bidens idea, or even the one tweeting it.

                -44 months ago

                I mean, you really think that the 81 year old president of the united states, is terminally online enough to know about a niche meme, related to him, called “shadow brandon”, and is also terminally online enough to want to turn around and post it on twitter?

                • M137
                  14 months ago

                  Ah yes, he has to be “terminally online” to be aware of a hugely popular meme about him.

                  You’re also missing the whole deal of him talking about and mentioning this meme several times and he and his PR team having made their own jokes for it for a couple of years now. All of this has been extremely hard to miss. I don’t interact much with US politics any more than what pops up here on Lemmy and the biggest things that get worldwide reporting and I’ve seen this several times.

            • GladiusB
              234 months ago

              English is also my second language. Good job putting together longer sounding words to sound smart but not mean anything!

            • This is fine🔥🐶☕🔥
              114 months ago

              How the hell else are we gonna get dopamine and serotonin today?



              There you go mate, that’s what you were craving, right?

            -394 months ago

            Exactly. How the hell else are we gonna get dopamine and serotonin today? They’ve removed all the naturally occuring sources of with their fucked up policies and general ghoulishness. Where else then but from the tears of their impotent, incandescent rage?

            Mmmm. The rage gives it that lemony twist.

    2934 months ago

    It’s crazy. Any leftie knows this is a plain joke while the wingnutters on the right take every facet of it seriously. Meanwhile, trump says some pretty terrifying shit and means it, but the right has to translate it as “he was joking.”

      1364 months ago

      Not a USer, what I find utterly bonkers is seeing clips of them discussing the dark Brandon conspiracy on fox news, like it’s real and relevant political discourse. Wtaf is wrong with that portion of you population.

        344 months ago

        Am USer. I have no explanation, but I can assure you that being up close to this shit doesn’t help it make any more sense. I come from a conservative white family in a mostly white area, and sure I can see how people get into that insular world and are conditioned to reject rational inquiry, but at the same time we live in the information age, people!

          144 months ago

          The problem is that there is too much information. And information doesn’t come with a disclaimer of whether it’s fact, opinion, conspiracy, or otherwise batshit.

            • oce 🐆
              4 months ago

              Or went back to it? I think there was only a short period of time in human’s existence when only the intellectual elite could reach the public with the new technologies because it was too complicated or pricey for the common people. Now we’re back to bar-room level of information quality.

              • Cosmic Cleric
                4 months ago

                Or went back to it?

                Now we’re back to bar-room level of information quality.


                There used to be something called The Fourth Estate (of Government). Used to be.

                • oce 🐆
                  24 months ago

                  Was that press accessible for the average people at that time? Everybody being able to read is fairly recent too.

          • Cosmic Cleric
            34 months ago

            News organzations should not be allowed to express opinions, but only recite news.

          • RedFox
            24 months ago

            Did people think more critically before? Or maybe there was limited dissemination in the past? Crazy BS maybe didn’t travel as far?

            I’d like to think we could differentiate between fact, opinion, and BS more in the past, but that’s probably not true.

              44 months ago

              I think learning everything about the world from the random unqualified people around you is exactly how most people in history have done it. As long as it’s a person you like and they say it with confidence, it will probably stick.

              But now it is easier to see that process happening and avoid it. It’s also easier to locate authoritative sources of information.

              Except… even though this works for many of us, it paradoxically makes the problem WORSE for a huge number of people. We have easier access to all the opinions out there, but that means any given shitty opinion has the potential to reach millions rather than somebody’s social circle.

              • RedFox
                24 months ago

                I agree. What I have no idea about these days is how to solve this.

                It might be a ‘there is no solution’ type problem, but it would be nice if more people and organizations as a whole recognized this issue.

                Maybe publishing questionable information over a long period of time or our lack of holding orgs and individuals accountable contributed. I’d think it hard to legislate accountability without reducing freedom or speech, press, and opinion (that isn’t toxic, but that’s subjective and part of the problem isn’t it).

        • Cosmic Cleric
          34 months ago

          but at the same time we live in the information age, people!

          The Younger generations do at least.

      • Urist
        334 months ago

        The US is very dysfunctional for anyone but the upper middle class. We all see our taxes taken out of our check, and the services provided to us are very limited: no working healthcare system, limited affordable housing, abusive elder care industry, few social safety nets, student debt & cost of education, etc.

        One party (Republicans) is convinced the government is broken (it has lots of problems) and their solution is to… break it more. They throw a lot of red meat to their voters (hatred toward minorities, LGBTQ+) to keep them energized and distracted. They also seem to be literal fascists lately, and are breaking our voting systems through pushing misinformation to make people distrust our institutions.

        The other party (Democrats) ignores their progressive supporters and pushes milquetoast half-meassures to solve problems. They are weak, inept. However, they aren’t interested in literally erasing LGBTQ+ people or marginalizing racial minorities. Nor are they interested in breaking our democratic processes.

        Corporate-owned media has been pouring gasoline on this trash fire the whole time. I hate people who do this whole “both sides” shtick (Because the parties are not the same, it’s fascism vs a party that still seems to believe in democracy), but that’s what I think of when I see things like this . This is an article about how right wing talking heads are pushing some conspiracy about Taylor Swift and the Super Bowl, and it appeals to that part of my brain who wants to laugh at dumb people who disagree with me. But I have to point out, nobody actually cares.

        People are lonely and bored and are making how they vote into rooting for some sort of sports team. You can see it in the replies to your post: someone called the right wing a “cult”. I’d like to say there is some grand conspiracy where corporations are dividing the working class but the truth is probably far more bland: Rage gets clicks, and this is dividing us. It’s not hard to do because the USA is a very flawed place with a lot of wealth inequity.

          84 months ago

          some right-wingers seemed to suggest that occasional camera shots of Swift had dubious, manipulative intent.

          Oh lawd. I hope they are just as concerned about the cuts to SpongeBob and Patrick in their box. They had a box!

          And Usher was pulling some serious MJ vibes with that rhinestone glove. I bet that means Epstein is involved somehow.

        284 months ago

        Wtaf is wrong with that portion of you population.

        They would get along quite well with brexiters. Some segments of the human species are… special.

        154 months ago

        Raised on evangelical TV preachers and AM radio talk show hosts. The more radical, fire, thunder, brimstone, and fear you can throw at them theatrically the more they love it. Think WWE, carnival freak show barkers, snake oil salesmen…they eat it up. Used to be there was this view of an intelligent, reserved country folk that whiled away their time reading and listening, having a plain sense of what’s right. A quaint image. The lot of them have been taken in by hucksters and proudly show off the Emperor’s new clothes.

        4 months ago

        My sneaking suspicion is that a majority of the adult population has passed well beyond the sub-acute level of lead exposure and is now showing the side effects.

        Lead paint, TEL, 100LL.

        44 months ago

        Think of it as “throwing shit against the wall and seeing what sticks”. That is the role of intellectuals or pundits, whatever you want to call the class that disseminates ideology / PR. There are lots of them and they spout all sorts of crazy stuff. Now basically it’s like the theory of evolution through natural selection. Except as individuals we are intelligent and can make decisions like “oh that sold clicks” or “oh that helped pass that law”. Who decides that? Well those who work for those that own everything and who see it as their job to increase profit.

        So basically ideology is like a secretion of a specialized class that is filtered and selected to “work”.

        So my theory is that after decades of wealth transfer and increasing inequality, dwindling middle class and lowering of effective quality of life, you need “stronger secretions” to control the masses. Because the old ideology doesn’t work any more. One word for it is late stage capitalism.

        Another environmental aspect that plays into this I think is climate change - since we already failed to prevent what could result in our extinction or at least in countless genocides, what social contract remains? Why even pretend to be civilized when our civilization obviously has gone insane? Like a decadent indulgence in an orgy of hatred. Or just insanity like in “Don’t look up”.

        34 months ago

        Unfortunately the terrifying thing is nothing is actually physically wrong with those people that is making them believe crazy shit. They don’t all have dementia or something.

        America is just so dysfunctional that it shoots perfectly normal people off the deep end into crazy (very hateful often) conspiracy views like a particle accelerator shoots protons into stuff to make them explode. Some businesses actually target that as their explicit business model here (YouTube).

      • RedFox
        4 months ago

        We have no idea!

        I’m interested in what it’s like to live in a country where the culture, society, people are more…United. I don’t mean all the same.

        I don’t think the melting pot saying is true anymore. People don’t want to blend together, lack of a sense of community or pride, nothing to be proud of anymore?

        Lots of get mine mentality.

      334 months ago

      Wait, this is a joke? I’m pretty sure we talked about the Chiefs winning the Super Bowl at the annual “You didn’t vote Republican so you’re part of the Deep State” meeting back in August

      Oh shit, was I supposed to keep my mouth shut?

      -314 months ago

      It goes both ways. Jacob Frey (Mayor of Minneapolis, MN) took some heat from the left within the last week for a joke that he made. He, being a Democrat himself, made a joke about the remote workers having a… What was it… Nasty cat blanket and being losers?

    • Anoxydre [they/them]
      204 months ago

      Clearly. As non-US person, clearly see this whole US political shit like a reality-show, so there is no room for this kind of thing in my memory.

        -194 months ago

        Here we go again… The web, which is what most people think about when saying “internet”, is an European invention.

        So the low level stuff is American, but higher level stuff is European. But then again, were could claim that “web 2.0” was invented by American companies.

        Internet is 70% American?

          384 months ago

          Very human of us to argue over who gets credit for creating the greatest tool for collaboration in history when it was clearly a collaborative process.

            14 months ago

            That article is a joke. bbs’ we’re doing that long before berners lee made www a thing. The “web” was always there. All he did was develop another protocol.

              14 months ago

              Right but BBs was a direct connection from one computer to another on one phone line not an “internet” I believe but the technical aspects of it are beyond my knowledge

        • TimeSquirrel
          4 months ago

          You can argue about this all day long. The web was invented on a Next computer, created by Steve Jobs, written in C or maybe C++, also invented by Americans.

          Point is, a thousand different things had to come together from all over the world to create the modern Internet. I don’t think it’s accurate to say only one entity was responsible for it.

          Edit: A gigantic amount of the Internet and its infrastructure runs on an OS written by a dude from Finland.

          • gregorum
            4 months ago

            written in C or maybe C++

            Objective-C was the native programming language for the NeXTSTEP exnvironment when developing using Project Builder, the precursor to XCode.

            while C and C++ could be used in Obj-C projects (painfully, sometimes), NeXTSTEP apps themselves had to be written/compiled in Obj-C.

            edit: this was pretty much the case after they were aquired by Apple and running all the way until 2014 when Apple invented Swift, an evolutionary step beyond Obj-C. macOS (the evolution of NeXTSTEP) can now execute binaries built with Swift and Obj-C nativley.

          • Optional
            14 months ago

            the what now? Is this about those monkeys that went into space and came back super-intelligent?

          74 months ago

          When people say ‘Can I get the password for the internet?’ they are undoubtedly referring to the wifi password, which is an Australian invention.

          Internet is 40% American?

            14 months ago

            Oh… All this time i thought they were talking about “the internet”, trying to ask me the password to access my ISP’s IP routing tables! 😯

            It makes so much sense now that i think about it… They were confused when i replied that i didn’t know what was the password to the internet!

        • BaroqueInMind
          14 months ago

          I love how you say all that and then provide ZERO sources, like I’m supposed to take the word of some random stranger on the network that Americans invented.

    -14 months ago

    It would be funny if israel didn’t start bombing Rafah during the super bowl killing at least 67 people while israel played their $7million 30 second Super Bowl commercial about khamasss to brainwash Americans.

    “All according to plan” with the laser eyes Dark Brandon might not be the best timed meme after that.

      354 months ago

      Good point, I’m sure if we had Donald Trump in office, Israel would stop immediately. There’s never been anybody tougher on Israel than Trump. For instance he… checks notes… moved our Embassy to Jerusalem after decades of US presidents refusing to do so and single-handedly set peace negotiations back 50 years.

      But I guess when your entire post history is ripping Biden on the Israel situation you can’t really do much else or the boss won’t pay you.

          124 months ago

          We’re not allowed to criticize israel, remember.

          Criticizing israel is antisemetic, or pro-trump, or (insert convenient negative connotation here)

        • GladiusB
          34 months ago

          Don’t play coy. You know that is the alternative. I agree that it shouldn’t be happening. But it doesn’t help anyone to act like they don’t have a point.

            04 months ago

            The alternative to the meme being unfunny? I feel like you’re replying to a whole paragraph of text that doesn’t exist in the original comment and acting like the original commenter is unreasonable for not knowing what you’re talking about. Is there some edit I’m missing here, or can you literally not fathom any statement about something Biden does outside of the context of the election?

            -124 months ago

            Jill Stein? Cornell West?

            Certainly you’re not suggesting anyone to directly vote for someone that supports israel’s Nazi style genocide right?

              • HACKthePRISONS
                -94 months ago

                I said I’m not voting for trump.

                I mean to vote for Cornel West. Jill Stein could still win me though

                • The Snark Urge
                  14 months ago

                  Vote third party down-ballot by all means, because alternatives need a wider base to start taking more of the spotlight. However, the current voting system is a devil’s bargain. If you refuse to play the game, you lose anyway.

        -144 months ago

        It’s not. He’s in office during a crisis and directly involved. It’s not some big conspiracy but this is why “celebrity” politicians are a bad idea. You don’t get to shit post if you have access to nuclear weapons. Is it funny? Sure. But all it did for me was solidify how out of touch democrats are right now.

          24 months ago

          nooo but our heckin epic presidenterino! that’s MY president! he’s really sticking it to the woke libs, or, no, I mean the nazi chuds! he’s really sticking it to them! he’s such a le ebin troll, guys! he’s a master baiter! he posted this personally for our salvation! I’m sure this will help his poll numbers! don’t forget to vote for our heckin ebin president now guys!

          I have brain worms. the situation is not looking good. the libs are just as broken as the chuds. maybe even more, in certain respects. it’s all about respectability politics and proper order, until the president, personally, at the age of 81, posts a meme, definitely him and not some intern. then it’s time to shit on the “other side”, even though they all agree on the most basic premises, and just not on what level of racist they should be.

        4 months ago

        The Genocide that happened during the Super Bowl is unrelated to Biden posting a meme about his “secret plan” that was executed during the Super Bowl?

          234 months ago


          More probable than the scenario you’re painting. I mean, if Biden did have anything to do with that, he wouldn’t put a spotlight on it by tweeting about it. (And no, don’t start to accuse him with “distraction” or “false flag” tactics, that’s just doubling down with conspiracy theories, we’re better than that)

            -74 months ago

            Of course it’s not intentional but it was insanely bad timing nonetheless.

            While Biden is in hot water over his Genocide in Gaza his campaign goes making Homelander style tweets at arguably the worst timing possible.

            The real meaning of the tweet was likely supposed to reference the stupid right wing Taylor Swift conspiracy of the super bowl being rigged but now Biden is getting flak from both the right and the left for entirely different reasons.

              144 months ago

              You sound like Biden personally started the clusterfuck in Gaza.

              Spoiler alert: he didn’t.

                4 months ago

                You sound like Genocide Joe didn’t personally bypass congress to give the IDF 15 million in tank and mortar shells to commit Genocide with

                Spoiler alert: he did.

                  24 months ago

                  I’m aware. You on the other hand should read the definition of ‘personally’.

                  There’s a whole swathe of right-wing Israeli characters you could blame before ever getting to Biden. Unlike him, they’re all adamantly unapologetic about the whole thing.

                  Unless your only agenda is badmouthing Biden you should probably at least try to get your facts straight.

    -54 months ago

    I get the gut reaction to say ‘haha epic burn’ or whatever, but this makes me really uneasy. I don’t think an official presidential account should be addressing this through a meme. Right wingers are going to lose their minds over this, but that scares me more than amuses me at the moment. Someone already got decapitated by their son over MAGA conspiracies this year, so meming about it feels really really reckless to me.

      324 months ago

      Idk I think that making fun of the conspiracy theories and joking about them is a good way to kill their credibility. Not addressing it at all would probably only lead to it persisting longer.

      4 months ago

      Right wingers are going to lose their minds over this, but that scares me more than amuses me at the moment.

      They will lose their minds over literally anything, they created this whole conspiracy out of thin air and hatred of women.

      Someone already got decapitated by their son over MAGA conspiracies this year, so meming about it feels really really reckless to me.

      That happened anyway, avoiding making fun of them (by pointing out what they say is nonsense) won’t make their delusions go away.

        04 months ago

        That does alleviate some of my misgivings, still not my favorite idea but its better that it wasn’t on an official government account.

      4 months ago

      “Dark Brandon” isn’t no right wing thing, there was a team of PR guys creating pro Biden memes leading up to the last election, to compete with the more natural pro trump memes being made. They were obviously not made by your usual trolls because they weren’t fucking funny.

  • Maeve
    -274 months ago

    Kelce behaved badly and deserves benching and fining.

    • The Snark Urge
      104 months ago

      Is that really the mandate we gave him in 2020? To mend our social fabric? I don’t think that’s on the table no matter who’s the president for the foreseeable future, if I’m honest.

        4 months ago

        From his inauguration speech:

        My whole soul is in this. Bringing America together, uniting our people, uniting our nation. And I ask every American to join me in this cause. Uniting to fight the foes we face - anger, resentment and hatred.

        It’s what he said he would try to do.

        • The Snark Urge
          34 months ago

          I’ve seen you around and I know you’re too smart to be mistaking rhetoric for policy. I want that for America too, but it’s hardly realistic. The fact is that civil wars have to be properly dealt with from the jump, or they fester into insurgencies. That’s what this is, and it’s not over at all. I hope we make it.

            -24 months ago

            I agree. I’m just taking note of the hypocrisy. If he had tweeted the Dark Brandon pic captioned with “ Trump will be arrested next week.” That would have been much better. Stop with the mocking of his supporters, they’re deplorable. Cut off the head of the snake.