Personally I wasn’t a fan of them, so was glad they didn’t continue on.

    132 months ago

    They led into Picard mowing down Borg with a Tommy gun in First Contact, so they’re a-okay with me!

    Incidentally, I just watched The Big Hit, which came out in 1998, right around the time that In The Pale Moonlight aired, and it features Avery Brooks chewing scenery as a cartoonishly over-the-top mob boss, so I like to pretend that it’s a holosuite program he ran to loosen up after the events of the episode.

    112 months ago

    I hated them. I also hated the Chaotica/Captain Proton episodes on Voyager. I’m sure they were fun for the people involved, but I got second hand embarrassment trying to watch them.

  • I liked seeing the actors get to play some different roles and I liked seeing the fantasy life of the characters whenever there was something off the beaten path. It helps round everybody out, in the same way that playing an instrument or having a pet does.

  • Flying SquidM
    82 months ago

    I had a hard time buying Jean-Luc Picard as a hard boiled PI, but I suppose that’s the point of a holodeck program- you get to fantasize about being something you aren’t if you want to.

    Picard being a fan of the Dixon Hill novels, on the other hand… that seems out of character.

    • ArtieShaw
      32 months ago

      I know a guy who is a literature snob and is probably the last person I would have expected to really get into Raymond Chandler novels. Anyway, he was raving about those books so I read a few. It turns out that Chandler was a phenomenally weird wordsmith. Inventive, funny, and unexpected. If you’re looking at midcentury American writers, Chandler is hugely underrated. Maybe in a few centuries he’ll get his due.

      Sure, it’s detective pulp. But it’s detective pulp that’s been given a strong hallucinogen and whacked over the head a few times before waking up in the desert.

    • BarqsHasBiteOP
      12 months ago

      Why what’s the novels?

      If it’s not in sorts with philosophy or whatnot, could be his guilty pleasure.

      • Flying SquidM
        12 months ago

        Maybe, but the rest of the time you see him reading something, it’s some great work of literature.

  • JWBananas
    82 months ago

    It was still infinitely better than Captain Proton

    • ArtieShaw
      22 months ago

      Well thanks for reminding me that Captain Proton existed. /s

      I disliked all of the mid-century nostalgia episodes. Not that I dislike mid-century nostalgia, but I thought they were poorly done.

    32 months ago

    I was fine with them. They weren’t my favorite episodes, but as mentions, it offers a different facet of the character. The idea of the stern, “stuffy” Picard indulging in 1940s American noir roleplay is amusing to me. It’s one of those things that’d come up in one of those awful “two truths and a lie” icebreaker activities.

    22 months ago

    (Response is more about holodeck centric episodes in general).

    I liked how Data would go all in on the roles he played. And Picard’s frustration at frequently getting called away from his fun time.

    I didn’t like the Moriarty takes over the Enterprise ones, you’d figure they’d sandbox the holodeck environment and specifically set it up to prevent situations like that. Maybe even make them incapable of seeing through the 4th wall in fantasy/entertainment programs (though I can see the usefulness of being able to do that for engineering exploration and might have just talked myself into not hating that as much because I had forgotten about the practical uses of the holodeck).

    I’ve also always found the focus on holodeck scenarios relevant to the 20th and 21st centuries culture made it harder to suspend disbelief. I don’t think our current entertainment is the peak that everyone would come back to all the time. Like you’d figure LaForge would have done the whole “help build and troubleshoot the first warp drive” on the holodeck before doing it for real in First Contact. Like I get why they focus on things we know rather than having to make up more lore, but they made up a lot of lore each time they visited a new planet.

  • @StillPaisleyCat
    22 months ago

    I never understood the love they got.

    Just another example of indulging Patrick Stewart’s desire to play a character other than the one he was cast as.