I’m researching hair removal and the sheer amount of options as well as the range in price just seems daunting. Why are there $30 devices and also $300 devices? And why would people chose to pay more for a single session than the device costs on its own?

    • Yeah, mine seems to be having diminishing returns. But I notice that it has more of an effect if I feel it burn the root, like how it feels when I get it done professionally. To do this, it seems that I need to flash it more than once. My thinking on this is that the first flash or so burns the shaft, which is usually darker than the base, once that’s out of the way the photonic energy has no other place to go but the root.

      Unfortunately, this can give you some superficial burns… Ask me how I know. Essentially, it seems that they’re just not powerful enough to burn the shaft and root in one flash like pro grade equipment can.