Donald Trump said he would accept home confinement or jail time after his historic conviction by a New York jury last week but that it would be tough for the public to accept.

“I’m not sure the public would stand for it,” the Republican presidential candidate told Fox News in an interview that aired on Sunday. “I think it’d be tough for the public to take. You know, at a certain point, there’s a breaking point.”

Trump did not elaborate on what he thought might happen if that point is reached. He is scheduled to be sentenced July 11, four days before Republicans gather to formally choose their presidential nominee to face Democratic President Joe Biden in November’s election.

Asked what Trump supporters should do if he were jailed, Republican National Committee Co-Chair Lara Trump told CNN: “Well, they’re gonna do what they’ve done from the beginning, which is remain calm and protest at the ballot box on November 5th. There’s nothing to do other than make your voices heard loud and clear and speak out against this.”

  • Drusas
    15327 days ago

    How the fuck is stochastic terrorism not illegal?

      26 days ago

      Because we have free speech, and people have free will. Direct calls to violence are illegal, but if you say “won’t someone rid me of this troublesome Vice President”, then you’re not directing someone to do anything; any actions taken are on their own initiative. There isn’t even a “just following orders” defense.

        26 days ago

        Because we have free speech, and people have free will.

        And it would be ridiculous to think that being a former president, especially a media lolcow like Trump, doesn’t land you a guaranteed platform anywhere, at any time.

        As long as everything, everywhere is commercialized including our news, every outrageous character and outrageous political outcome and outrageous tragedy will be another billboard, another rope to pull in viewers and raise a bottom line. We need independent media, but we need them to also be independent from the Wrestlemania spectacle the current batch feeds on and nurtures and grows and makes worse every day.

    14627 days ago

    Well, they’re gonna do what they’ve done from the beginning, which is remain calm and protest at the ballot box on November 5th. There’s nothing to do other than make your voices heard loud and clear and speak out against this.

    From the party that literally lead a violent insurrection intended to overthrow the government and install Trump as a dictator for life.

      5927 days ago

      And they’ll do it again in 2029. The most important part of that quote is their commitment to getting him another crack at it.

      Vote in November.

      27 days ago

      At every step of consequences a facsist will say:

      If you hold me accountable, they’ll be consequences

      What they leave out, is if we don’t hold fascists accountable, everyone in power starts acting like they’re not accountable. Before you know what’s going on, all the possible options are corrupt. And it’s no longer about winning, it’s about mitigating how much you’ll lose by.

      But you always keep losing.

      1726 days ago

      It’s a ruse. MAGAs are planning and scheming, likely with Putin’s help. They will obstruct voting, corrupt results and use violence. The Republican party is in its death throes, replaced by the insane authoritarian MAGA party.
      Vote - your life and your families lives depend on it.

    8827 days ago

    sure sounds like he’s sending a ‘message’ to the cult here of what to do if he actually gets locked-up.

  • Fire Witch
    6627 days ago

    He’s right, it would make me drop whatever I’m doing and plan out a party that night. We should do it more often.

  • Admiral Patrick
    6127 days ago

    It’ll be a breaking point for me, for sure. I’ll be breaking out the good booze.

    6027 days ago

    I don’t ever want to hear another republican ever utter the words “We’re the party of law and order” ever again…

  • If I had a nickle for every headline I’ve read that has “trump says”

    This mother fucker gets entire news articles every time he talks. The least interesting and most predictable man in the world has the news reporting his every word.

    I can’t do another 4 years. I can’t.

    Please stop treating politics like a cultural, intellect, personal identity battlefield when engaging in this topic. Your “opponent” will see it that way and have their gaurd up, only listening to what to say to try to disprove it rather than hearing what you say. Your job is to change that, so they actually find themselves having a conversation. Asking questions, giving more level but still emotional arguments (not sensationalized like this(

    This shit isn’t helpful, it isn’t convincing anyone of anything. In fact I find it harmful

    It sounds like he is just whining but the underlying message is there may be more violence if he is prosecuted. He is setting up a threat of violence. “They are going to do what they did since the beginning” is a threat. What did they do in the beginning??? Hmm oh idk unite the right rally and all that jazz. And bookends with one of the most significant moments in American history where the president encouraged and allowed an insurrection to take place for 6 fucking hours while ignoring pleas from his staff, family, legal counsel, and fellow government officials particularly his closest.

    But you have to be able to have enough context and a depressingly low bar of critical thinking skills to read between the lines in the article, especially when the headline primes you for what another nutty thing he says and then the reader just decides if they think it is a bad thing to say or not. Ugh. UGH. Thanks for sticking this out

    • Semi-Hemi-Lemmygod
      126 days ago

      Please stop treating politics like a cultural, intellect, personal identity battlefield when engaging in this topic.

      That sort of coverage doesn’t sell ad space.

  • Let them go off. January 6th showed they are incompetent. Let them push their violence again and put much of the public against them again right before the election. They won’t accomplish anything of importance and they will show their hateful agenda isn’t what most of this country wants. Faced with it directly, most Americans aren’t ready for insurrection and domestic conflict. I think any reactionary violent attack right now will be the end of their movement.

    • Cult 45 is a bunch of pussies. How many of them are willing to die for a cheeto? There’s going to be enough military there this cult will get curb stomped in about .4 seconds. I hope they do, maybe it’ll take a few child molesters and a few future mass shooters off this planet.

    4027 days ago

    I sure hope so.

    There’s a significant number of Trumpers who are just itching to put on their brown shirts red hats and start wreaking violence.

    At this point, it’s not really a question of if they do it, but just of when. On that point at least, Trump is right. He just doesnt acknowledge the fact that the reason those people are reaching a breaking point is that he’s self-servingly fed them a steady diet of propaganda and hatred.

    So they’re going to go off the rails - they’re vtoo ignorant and too angry and too misled to do anything else.

    The worst-case scenario would be that they do it after Trump has (god forbid) been elected. Because then they’re going to get official sanction. They really will be the new brownshirts.

    The best-case scenario is that they do it soon, and in response to Trump being rightfully sentenced for the crimes of which he has been rightfully convicted. In that case, they’re going to have neither the illusion of legitimacy nor official sanction, and they’ll just reveal themselves as the lawless, petulant, violent asshats they are.

    3426 days ago

    Even more reason to do it. Trump shouldn’t be excused from being held accountable just because his supporters don’t like it, along with any people in power.

    2426 days ago

    When he came to be indicted in Miami, he was expecting fans and supporters everywhere. Nobody cared enough to show up except street vendors. Speaks volumes to me.