I hope everyone had a great week! Hang out. Chat. Talk about what’s going on. Have fun :3

  • Tommasi [she/her]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    I know I just made a post about male failing in the last mega, but it happened again today and when I got home I started crying from happiness.

    I was specifically wearing a sweater and jeans from my old, male life, and no make-up, because I was at the post-office picking up a package addressed to deadname and I was worried they would need ID, so I wanted to appear male. Everything is normal until I give my signature, then the guy looks completely confused and asks “deadname is you??”, and I realise he thought I was picking up the package for someone else, and I have to explain that it is in fact me and I didn’t write the wrong name.

    At first I was like why the fuck would this guy be suprised I’m the package recipient when I’m the one picking it up???, then in about a minute I realised it has to be because he thought the name didn’t fit me, which could pretty much only be because of gender.

    When it happened once last week it could have been a fluke, but now it happened a second time just days later and it feels like it can’t be a coincidence. I read so many places to keep your expectations in check and that often you won’t see too many changes from HRT until at least 12 months, but it hasn’t even been 12 weeks yet. And while I know timelines are very individual, I just internalized that it would take a long time for me because I didn’t want to be let down from high expectations, and now I don’t know how to deal with this insane amount of gender euphoria.

  • Des [she/her, they/them]@hexbear.netM
    6 months ago

    my trans coworker today who i thought was a soft demsoc: madeline-angry “china good, v*aush bad, cuba good, social democracy is the moderate wing of fascism (came to this conclusion without knowing the quote), market economy bad, socialism good, river to the sea”

    me: waow-based

  • Kuori [she/her]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    drive four hours round-trip to get more estrogen before the move

    ambushed with surprise labs i couldn’t do bc i had just done my injection earlier that same day

    come home and open relaxation box to chill out

    the box is full of transphobia


  • ashinadash [she/her]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago


    I have come to a new and considerable conclusion recently: tfw no cat tail, tfw no cat ears. Idk, catgirls just seem to have more fun, and even as a kid I can remeber thinking humans should have tails cause it’d just be better, right? The cat ears seem like a logical addition, of course.

    tfw no cat ears tfw no cat tail garf-chan

  • SnowySkyes [she/her]@hexbear.netOPM
    6 months ago

    I gotta say that this community is the best one I’ve ever been a part of. You folks put a smile on my face every week. Never change trans-heart

  • GenderIsOpSec [she/her]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    they lasered my face for the first time today!

    the doctor told me that my skin was VERY white, and i was like yea

    hurt like a motherfucker and i still have the awful smell in my nostrils BUT my chin has never been this fucking smooooooth baybeeeeeee!! hat-kid-dance

  • SnowySkyes [she/her]@hexbear.netOPM
    6 months ago

    The doctor that saw me for my pre-op exam for my bottom surgery is a vile bastard.

    CW: Strong language and transphobic nonsense

    Last week I had my pre-op exam for my bottom surgery, which is in 2 weeks from tomorrow. The appointment seemed fine enough aside from one little thing that happened that seemed a little cruel on his part, but it could’ve been waved off as whatever. Well, today, I got the report that he sent to my surgeon in the mail cause I guess they send out a hard copy to everyone. This absolutely vile piece of fucking garbage misgendered me the entire way through the whole report. He/him everywhere. Just constant misgendering without any thought on his fucking part.This is yet another transgression that this health network has done to me. The following being it.

    1. Attempted to force me to see a psychiatrist for HRT
    2. Consistent and constant misgendering when talking to staff and making appointments, INCLUDING to make my pre-op exam appointment.
    3. Getting misgendered by a doctor to the face with no apology when corrected when I was getting a procedure done late last year.
    4. This.

    I’m fucking done. I am so livid right now that I can’t steady my hands. I intend on calling their internal patient advocacy department tomorrow morning and bitching at them, but highly doubt that anything will come of it. In which case, please feel free to tell everyone and anyone you know to never use any services from Penn State Health. They put on this veneer of acceptance by putting your gender and pronouns in your patient profile (which exacerbates all of my earlier complaints), but in reality it means fucking nothing. Clearly. I did NOT need this today as I’m already being held together with gum and happy wishes.

    • ashinadash [she/her]@hexbear.net
      6 months ago


      Oh I know this feeling, the first time it happened I got the report back from a children’s hospital and marked the thing up with all the weird, wrong shit, red-pen style. Most vivid memory is the doctor asking a 15 year old what kind of underwear they wear.

      I hope your bitching to internal patient advocacy produces some results, 'cause that’s just bullshit you do not ever need, and these people sound like bastards cuddle

    • SnowySkyes [she/her]@hexbear.netOPM
      6 months ago

      Small follow-up. I decided to call their patient advocacy line today. We will quickly find out how much of a veneer their acceptance policy is. Should hear back from them on Monday.

  • good_girl [she/her, they/them]@hexbear.net
    6 months ago

    Finally on my second E shot and I feel so much better. I’m pretty sure it has more to do with comfort and less to do with anything physiological but w/e i’m vibing and that’s what really matters.

    I feel like my vocal progress is sooooo slow even though i only really practice in my car on the drive home so of course it’s gonna be slow. But stiiiill. It doesn’t help that my voice is probably the biggest block i have mentally in terms of furthering my social presentation/transition. I know some trans women rock their testosterone voice but I absolutely can not.

    Also i think i’m finally getting over the imposter syndrome-ish feelings around calling myself trans or at least transfem. I’m still unsure if I want to fully embrace transwoman/woman as a label since those feel incredibly loaded and also I don’t feel like I deserve them/they suit me? idk this shits hard even after internalizing it all for the last 5 years

    ALSO GOT APPROVED FOR ELECTROLYSIS BY MY INSURANCE SO THAT’S SO EXCITING. I just need to get over the adhd hump and actually call the closest place to me to check if they have any openings before actually scheduling anything.